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0.1 Introduction to Becoming a More Equitable Educator: Mindsets and Practices
0.2 Assignment: “Why I’m Here” and Meet Your Classmates
0.3 Voices from the Field: Why Does Equity Matter?
0.4 Educator Mindsets for Equity
0.5 Readings and Resources for Unit 0
0.6 Assessment and Logistics
0.7 Completion Checklist
(3 Questions)
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1.1 Unit 1 Overview
1.2 Practice Space: Jeremy’s Journal
1.3 Introduction to the Equity versus Equality Mindsets
1.4 Voices from the Field: Equity Mindset in Practice
1.5 Mindsets in Balance
1.6 Assignment: Small Changes in Practice to Address Student Needs
1.7 In Conversation: Opportunity Gaps
1.8 Readings and Resources for Unit 1
1.9 Completion Checklist
(3 Questions)
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2.1 Unit 2 Overview
2.2 Introduction to the Asset versus Deficit Mindsets
2.3 Voices from the Field: Asset Framing in Practice
2.4 Activity: Wise Feedback
2.5 Practice Space: Coach Wright
2.6 Assignment: Roster Audit
2.7 Readings and Resources for Unit 2
2.8 Completion Checklist
(4 Questions)
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3.1 Unit 3 Overview
3.2 Introduction to the Aware versus Avoidant Mindsets
3.3 Voices from the Field: Impact of the Aware Mindset
3.4 Planning for Talking and Listening About Identity
3.5 Activity: Left-Hand Column Case
3.6 Practice Space: Roster Justice
3.7 Voices from the Field: Practicing the Aware Mindset
3.8 Assignment: Practicing Challenging Conversations
3.9 Readings and Resources for Unit 3
3.10 Completion Checklist
(4 Questions)
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4.1 Unit 4 Overview
4.2 Introduction to the Context-centered versus Context-Neutral Mindsets
4.3 Voices from the Field: Impact of the Context-Centered Mindset
4.4 Practice Space: Layers
4.5 Readings and Resources for Unit 4
4.6 Introducing the Rebalancing Mindsets Project
4.7 Assignment: School and Community Asset Map
4.8 Completion Checklist
(4 Questions)
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5.1 Unit 5 Overview
This content is graded
5.2 Voices from the Field: Taking on Equity
5.3 Rebalancing Mindsets Project: Inviting Colleagues to Learn Together
5.4 Facilitating Practice Spaces
5.5 Readings and Resources
5.6 Using Mindsets to Spark Change
5.7 Activity: I Used to Think, But Now I Think
5.8 Completion Checklist
Post-Course Survey
"How do I do equity in math class?": Resources for Teachers of Math, Science, Language Arts, Primary and Special Education, plus Teacher Educators
Additional Resources to Bring Equity Work to Any Classroom
Diversifying your Media Consumption
Recommended Books
Practice Space Facilitator's Guides
Course To-Go
Readings and Resources List
Live Zoom Office Hours #1, March 25, 2020
Live Zoom Office Hours #2, April 8, 2020
Live Zoom Office Hours #3, April 24, 2020
Live Zoom Office Hours #4, May 8, 2020
Live Zoom Office Hours #5