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<h2 class="hd hd-2 unit-title">4.7.1 Introduction to Asset Maps</h2>
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<p>The asset mapping assignment is all about recognizing strengths and resources. Each one of us can feel isolated from time to time in our daily lives, both at work and beyond. However, with some reflection, we can often realize that we are connected to people and resources in all sorts of ways. </p>
<p>In this assignment, you will develop an asset map. An asset map is a visual representation of the valuable resources around you and how they connect to each other. By identifying assets in your school and community, you may see specific conditions of your environment that could help in rebalancing thinking and practice around a mindset. As you complete the assignment, we encourage you to pay particular attention to individuals and groups you may not normally think of as resources. You may find that there is more strength, resilience, and knowledge in your context than you currently realize.</p>
<p>Below is an example of an asset map from a past participant in our <em>Launching Innovation in Schools</em> course.</p>
<p><img height="582" width="864" src="/assets/courseware/v1/5e24bc7a8615c0e8954e826b18369075/asset-v1:MITx+0.503x+T2020+type@asset+block/example_asset_map.png" alt="Asset map titled “First Nation Support,” focusing on the problem of practice: our first nation students are successful at their community school (preK to 8), but struggle at high school which is off community. In a circle in the center are an acknowledgement of concerns (strategies and resources to best support our students) and the shared vision (our students). Eight categories of assets surround the center, with arrows pointing inward: community values, personal strengths, existing resources, possible new resources, financials, possible considerations, space, and time. Under each category is a list of assets. Community values includes: support our students, First Nation cultures. Personal strengths includes: experience, connections with communities, Native Education Advisory Team chairperson, a vision to share and to create shared vision. Existing resources includes: Native Education Advisory Team committee made up from school, communities, and students, school leads and specific positions, teachers, draft transition program. Possible new resources includes: district leads, provincial resources, Mi’kmaw Council, FNEII. Financial includes: communities, councils, other government?, enhancement. May consider includes: surveys, talking circles, data collection. Space includes: not an issue, cultural area (indoors and outdoors), classrooms. Time includes: meet with planning group January through June, implement September 2019, monthly revisits." /></p>
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<h2 class="hd hd-2 unit-title">4.7.2 Seeing Strengths in Marginalized Families and Communities</h2>
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<p>As you complete your asset map, we encourage you to think back to the <strong>six forms of cultural capital</strong> you learned about in Unit 2 (See Tara Yosso’s <em>Six Forms of Cultural Capital Framework</em> in 2.6.1) that marginalized students often bring to the classroom that can go unrecognized by educators and schools. (The forms of cultural capital are: aspirational, linguistic, familial, social, navigational, and resistance capital.) In Unit 2, we encouraged you to apply this framework to individual students. You can also apply the framework to families and communities to identify strengths in students’ cultural contexts that can be resources for making schools more equitable.</p>
<p>Sometimes educators fall into patterns of viewing students’ families and communities through a deficit lens, which makes it difficult to use a Context-Centered mindset. One concept that is popular in some schools and districts, but deficit frames families and communities, is the so-called “culture of poverty.” This is the idea that people living in poverty share a common culture with the same beliefs, values, and behaviors. It can lead educators to hold harmful views of their students’ families, like believing that poor families don’t value their children’s education. </p>
<p>Like meritocracy, we believe that the culture of poverty is a myth. (See Paul Gorski’s article <a href="http://www.ascd.org/publications/educational-leadership/apr08/vol65/num07/The-Myth-of-the-Culture-of-Poverty.aspx" target="_blank">The Myth of the Culture of Poverty</a> for a more detailed critique.) We reject this kind of thinking because it’s one common way that racism, classism, sexism, etc. show up in schools. </p>
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<h2 class="hd hd-2 unit-title">4.7.3 Assignment: School and Community Asset Map</h2>
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<p>Asset maps can help you find specific conditions of your environment that make addressing a variety of challenges and new initiatives, including re-balancing mindsets, easier. In this assignment, you will focus on identifying assets in your school and broader community to help you rebalance the mindset you identified in the <a href="/courses/course-v1:MITx+0.503x+T2020/jump_to_id/73069ed7635d4344b84b6f94cf03d2ff " target="_blank">Unit 4 Activity: Rebalancing Mindsets Problem of Practice</a>.</p>
<h4 style="background-color: #133847; font-size: 20px; color: #256a97; height: 35px; text-indent: 10px; padding-top: 10px; border-radius: 3px;"><span style="color: #ffffff;">INSTRUCTIONS</span></h4>
<li><strong>Ask yourself what assets are present in your school that could help you to rebalance your chosen mindset.</strong> Why are they strong assets? How do the assets relate to one another? Jot down a list of these school assets. We recommend being as specific as possible, for example, listing specific people or titles like “6th grade technology integration specialist” instead of “support personnel.”</li>
<p><span style="white-space: pre;"> </span>Some examples of school assets are: </p>
<li><em>People:</em> Think about the teachers, administrators, and staff who could be resources in rebalancing your mindset. Don’t forget about students, since they’re often great at identifying the parts of schools they see as assets.</li>
<li><em>School values and beliefs:</em> Does your mindset align with any goals or missions of your school? </li>
<li><em>Spaces:</em> This could mean actual physical spaces for meetings and other activities (for example your school or other community spaces) as well as online spaces such as social media groups or online learning spaces. </li>
<li><em>Time:</em> Maybe you have some free periods each school day or flexibility regarding professional development opportunities.</li>
<li><em>Personal Strengths:</em> You are also an asset! Consider your personal strengths that make you the perfect leader to work on rebalancing your chosen mindset. Your skills might include enthusiasm, communication skills, respect of colleagues, willingness to try new things, perseverance, etc.</li>
<p>Note: If you’re having a hard time thinking of assets in your school, try thinking about a big task or project that you have recently completed. Who did you work with to accomplish your goals? Who was especially helpful? What other resources were especially helpful?</p>
<ol start="2">
<li><strong>Ask yourself what is present in the community that will help you to rebalance your chosen mindset?</strong> Why are they strong assets? How do the assets relate to one another? Jot down a list of these community assets. Again, be as specific as possible. </li>
<p>Some examples of community assets: </p>
<li>Community values and beliefs: Does your mindset align with any goals or missions of your community? </li>
<li>Families and caregivers: Families and caregivers should be key resources in serving students more equitably. Parents you already have relationships and contact with can be a resource. Be sure to think about families and caregivers you may not know yet as well. </li>
<li>Community resources: These include a wide range of things such as municipal funding, community organizations, or people who are already involved in your school (school board or committee members), or individuals who could help you connect to social networks outside of your own. </li>
<ol start="3">
<li>Place the mindset that needs to be re-balanced in the center of your asset map. Around it, <strong>use symbols, images, and words to add the school and community assets</strong> you identified. Highlight importance, type, strength of connection, etc. through shape, color, line, size.</li>
<li>Be sure to <strong>include an explanatory text or key</strong> showing how to read your map.</li>
<li><strong>We recommend sharing your problem of practice and asset map with a colleague for feedback.</strong> Find a trusted colleague and share your problem or practice and asset map with them. Explain the assignment, share your work and ask if they have any questions. Ask for feedback on your asset map, for example, if there are any other assets they would suggest to add, or their own experiences with your problem of practice.</li>
<h4 style="background-color: #133847; font-size: 20px; color: #256a97; height: 35px; text-indent: 10px; padding-top: 10px; border-radius: 3px;"><span style="color: #ffffff;">FOR THE DELIVERABLE</span></h4>
<p>In your journal, include: </p>
<li>A short description of your context and role (you could share size, demographics, location, etc.).</li>
<li>A sentence or two about your problem or practice and the mindset you want to rebalance in your school/context</li>
<li>An image of your School and Community Asset Map</li>
<li>A reflection on the process of creating the map </li>
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<h2 class="hd hd-2 unit-title">4.7.4 Advice from José Luis Vilson about Building Cultural Competence</h2>
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<p>In a recent episode of <a href="https://teachlabpodcast.com/episodes/jose-luis-vilson-s1!3cc16" target="_blank">TeachLab podcast</a>, we talked with José Luis Vilson, a math teacher and activist who founded <a href="https://www.educolor.org/" target="_blank">EduColor</a>, an organization dedicated to race and social justice issues in education. He shared his advice for educators looking to build their cultural competence and connect with students from different backgrounds. </p>
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<h3 class="hd hd-2">Building Cultural Competence</h3>
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