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<h2 class="hd hd-2 unit-title">Diversifying your Media Consumption</h2>
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<p>This summer some of our instructional design staff attended a workshop by <a href="https://www.tolerance.org/" target="_blank">Teaching Tolerance</a> where they shared the top two resources below, and suggested that if your teaching staff or curriculum does not represent certain facets of identity, media can help you bring diverse voices to your context. This list was inspired by that suggestion. And while this list is by no means comprehensive, we hope it can also help you fill gaps in your own knowledge of the experiences and histories of different groups in the US. </p>
<p>Some of these resources are single episodes in a larger series; you can start with the suggested piece or explore the whole series. </p>
<h3><strong>Understanding Current Diverse Experiences in the United States</strong></h3>
<li>New York Times. 2017. <a href="https://nyti.ms/2vBrtzg" target="_blank">“A Conversation with Native Americans on Race.”</a> A mini-documentary that shares first person stories and reflections from U.S. Native Americans about their identities. From the series <a href="https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/projects/your-stories/conversations-on-race" target="_blank">A Conversation on Race </a>by The New York Times. These short documentaries include conversations about race with Asian Americans, Whites, Latinos, young Black people, and Black women. </li>
<li>Vox. 2019. <a href="https://youtu.be/Rlj6ghQYuJI" target="_blank">“After San Bernadino, this couple fought Islamophobia with Donuts and Conversation.”</a> Short film about the couple who inspired the #AskAMuslim campaign. From the series <a href="http://www.secretlifeofmuslims.com/season-one" target="_blank">The Secret Life of Muslims</a>. Smartypants Pictures. This series of short documentaries captures different aspects of Muslim American life.</li>
<li>Parker, Kim and Tricia Ebarvia. 2019. "<a href="https://31daysibpoc.wordpress.com/" target="_blank">31 Days IBPOC: Celebrating the teacher voices of Indigenous, Black, and People of Color</a>." Thirty-one short essays by educators who identify as Black, Indigenous and people of color, writing about their experiences as students and teachers today. You can follow many of these educators on social media as they share resources and perspectives. </li>
<p> Podcasts* on present-day LGBTQ experiences in the US: </p>
<li><a href="https://www.npr.org/podcasts/440577316/strange-fruit" target="_blank">Strange Fruit</a>. NPR. “Musings on politics, pop culture, and Black gay life.” </li>
<li><a href="https://slate.com/podcasts/outward" target="_blank">Outward</a>. Slate. “Expanding the LGBTQ conversation.”</li>
<li><a href="https://www.wnycstudios.org/podcasts/nancy" target="_blank">Nancy with Tobin Low and Kathy Tu</a>. WNYC Radio. “Stories and conversations about the queer experience today. Prepare to laugh and cry and laugh again.”</li>
<li><a href="https://blog.heinemann.com/topic/beyond-the-letters" target="_blank"><em>Beyond the Letters</em></a>. Heinemann Publishing. Interviews with LGBTQ educators about "what it means to truly create inclusive educational spaces for queer youth and educators, alike."</li>
<p><em>*Thanks to Cody Miller for suggesting these resources in <a href="https://blog.heinemann.com/bringing-theory-to-practice-cody-miller" target="_blank">this</a> podcast.</em></p>
<h3><strong>Historical Inequality in the US</strong></h3>
<p>Resources to help fill gaps in understanding a shared history. </p>
<li>Center for Documentary Studies. <a href="https://www.sceneonradio.org/" target="_blank">Scene on Radio</a>. Podcast from Duke University tells stories from US history to explore the concept of democracy. Notable seasons include <a href="https://www.sceneonradio.org/seeing-white/" target="_blank">Seeing White</a>, <a href="http://www.sceneonradio.org/men/" target="_blank">Men</a>, <a href="http://www.sceneonradio.org/the-land-that-never-has-been-yet/" target="_blank">The Land That Never Has Been Yet</a>. Notable Episode:</li>
<li><a href="https://www.sceneonradio.org/episode-35-little-war-on-the-prairie-seeing-white-part-5/" target="_blank">“Little War on the Prairie”</a> on Indigenous history and its erasure in mainstream schools.</li>
<li>Guo, Jess. 2016. <a href="https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2016/11/29/the-real-reason-americans-stopped-spitting-on-asian-americans-and-started-praising-them/" target="_blank">"The real reasons the U.S. became less racist toward Asian Americans."</a> Washington Post. History of the “model minority” myth that stereotypes Asian Americans.</li>
<li>NPR. <a href="https://www.npr.org/podcasts/510312/codeswitch" target="_blank">CodeSwitch</a>. Podcast about race and identity. Tagline: “Ever find yourself in a conversation about race and identity where you just get...stuck? Code Switch can help. We're all journalists of color, and this isn't just the work we do. It's the lives we lead.” Notable episodes:</li>
<li><a href="https://www.npr.org/transcripts/731868951" target="_blank">This episode</a> about preserving the Native Hawaiian language. </li>
<li>February, 2020 episodes focused on Black resistance, including this episode about activism and education. <a href="https://www.npr.org/2020/02/04/802593244/black-parents-take-control-teachers-strike-back" target="_blank">This episode</a> tells of the rarely-taught US race riots of 1919. Includes author Eve Ewing reading aloud her poem about the event.</li>
<li>The episode <a href="https://www.npr.org/2019/07/24/744450509/chicagos-red-summer" target="_blank">"Chicago's Red Summer"</a> tells of the rarely-taught attacks on Black Chicagoans and so-called "race riots" of 1919. Author Eve Ewing reads her poem about the event.</li>
<li>Hannah-Jones, Nikole. 2019. <a href="https://pulitzercenter.org/sites/default/files/full_issue_of_the_1619_project.pdf" target="_blank">1619 Project</a>. New York Times Magazine. A collection of essays, poetry and images describing the influence of US slavery on present-day American culture, policies, and daily life. Also available as a <a href="https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/23/podcasts/1619-podcast.html" target="_blank">podcast</a>.</li>
<li>Teaching Tolerance. <a href="https://www.tolerance.org/podcasts/queer-america" target="_blank">Queer America</a>. Podcast focusing on moments in LGBTQ history, “revealing stories of LGBTQ life we should have learned in school.”</li>
<li>Cheeks, Maura. 2019. <a href="https://www.theatlantic.com/family/archive/2019/07/the-wealth-gap-taints-americas-success-stories/593719/" target="_blank">"The Wealth Gap Taints America's Success Stories."</a> The Atlantic. Using statistics, history and personal narrative, this article challenges the myth of meritocracy by describing the precariousness of African-American wealth in the United States. </li>
<li>Pioneer PBS. 2014. <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TR9fmgJ8QY" target="_blank">Postcards: Dakota Wicohan</a>. Video documents a group that works to revitalize Dakota culture and language in the community. This is the same group who created a <a href="https://dakotawicohan.org/courses/mni-sota-koce/" target="_blank">social studies curriculum</a> about the Dakota people for 6th graders across Minnesota.</li>