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<h2 class="hd hd-2 unit-title">5.5.1 Extending Your Learning for Unit 5</h2>
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<p><strong>Choose two</strong> of the following resources; skim or scan others that may also be of interest. </p>
<p>We invite you to share your reflections in your journal or with others, but it is not required. </p>
<p><strong>Making Equity Change in Schools</strong></p>
<li>Collins, Cory. 2019. <a href="https://www.tolerance.org/magazine/fall-2019/a-hopeful-case-of-teacher-leadership-and-confronting-bias-in-education" target="_blank">A Hopeful Case of Teacher Leadership and Confronting Bias in Education</a>. Teaching Tolerance. A pair of Boston teachers decide to bring equity learning to their school, eventually including an equity audit, a grant from the city and a year-long professional learning program with their colleagues. </li>
<li>Miller, Cody. 2019. <a href="http://secure.ncte.org/library/NCTEFiles/Resources/Journals/ELQ/0413-feb2019/ELQ0413Feb2019Being.pdf" target="_blank">Being a Radical Pragmatist: Reflections on Introducing LGBTQ YA Lit to an ELA Department</a>. English Leadership. February 2019. NCTE. The author describes how a “do what you can” strategy helped him discover ways to use the language of pre-existing initiatives to gradually bring substantive equity changes to his school.</li>
<li>Tania Anaissie, Victor Cary, David Clifford, Tom Malarkey, Susie Wise. "<a href="https://nationalequityproject.org/resources/featured-resources/liberatory-design-cards" target="_blank">Liberatory Design Cards: Your Toolkit to Design for Equity</a>." Stanford d.school's K12Lab and The National Equity Project. Liberatory Design is a subset of design thinking that guides educators in designing instruction, practices or systems with equity and empathy in mind. See also: <a href="https://designjustice.org/read-the-principles" target="_blank">Design Justice Network Principles</a> from the Design Justice Network. </li>
<p><strong>Starting Conversations about change</strong></p>
<li>Minor, Cornelius. 2019. <a href="https://blog.heinemann.com/on-the-podcast-cornelius-minor-and-being-semi-brave" target="_blank">On the Podcast: Cornelius Minor and Being Semi-Brave</a>. Heinemann Publishing. February 14. In this podcast Cornelius Minor gives advice about how to make change in your school, and the importance of people who are willing to be “semi-brave” - even if only for a moment or two. </li>
<li>Minor, Cornelius. 2019. "<a href="https://www.heinemann.com/shared/companionresources/e09814/minor_or-3-4.pdf" target="[object Object]">An Articulation Plan for Saying What You Really Mean</a>." Heinemann. This template provides tools for educators to “pitch” ideas for shifts in practice or policy to stakeholders. </li>
<li>Brown, Valeria. 2019. “<a href="https://cleartheaireducation.wordpress.com/blog/" target="_blank">Sis, How is Your Heart?</a>” Clear the Air Education. May 19. In this blog post, #ClearTheAir community founder describes the crucial nature of self-care in educational equity work, particularly for women of color, and how for her self-care looked like life-saving medical treatment. </li>
<p><strong>TeachLab Podcast Episode: </strong></p>
<li>Reich, Justin. 2020. <a href="https://teachlabpodcast.com/episodes/neema-avashia-s1!ac0d3" target="_blank">Neema Avashia</a>. TeachLab Podcast. Neema Avashia, a civics teacher in the Boston Public Schools, speaks to the importance of empowering students to express themselves, teaching difficult topics, and helping students engage in real-world civics lessons. </li>