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<h2 class="hd hd-2 unit-title">Homework Guidelines</h2>
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<h3><strong>Checking and Submitting and Answer</strong></h3>
<p style="font-size: 16px;">For each problem, you will have a few attempts to submit an answer, with the exception of problems where an attempt reveals the answer (e.g., True/False questions), for which you will be limited to a single attempt.</p>
<p style="font-size: 16px;">To submit your answer, click the "Submit" button. This will automatically submit the problem for grading purposes, and the edX platform is able to verify your answer and give you immediate feedback as to whether or not your answer is correct.</p>
<p style="font-size: 16px;">The number of attempts allowed as well as the number of attempts you've already made will always be visible on a problem's page at the bottom, next to the "Submit" button. Please note that for problems consisting of multiple parts, hitting the button will count as an attempt for all parts of the problem. Unfortunately, it is not possible to submit answers for one part at a time.</p>
<p style="font-size: 16px;">A "Show Answer" button will appear after you correctly answer the question, or have used all your attempts. Clicking this button will reveal the correct answers and solutions.</p>
<p style="font-size: 16px;">You are strongly encouraged to look at the solutions even if your answer is correct.</p>
<div class="vert vert-1" data-id="block-v1:MITx+15.480x+3T2021+type@html+block@50621822173540cc8b42b857f057434a">
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<h3><strong>Answer Formats</strong></h3>
<p>This course will use three answer formats:</p>
<ul class="itemize">
<p>Numerical answers: Enter a number, either in decimal (e.g., '3.14') or fractional form (e.g., '22/7'). Do not enter any non-numerical letters or symbols. To account for rounding, the system will accept a range of answers as correct. Unless otherwise specified in the problem, your answer should be accurate to 2 decimal places. If a question asks for a number in percentage form, type only the number (e.g., enter '5.42%' as '5.42'). Do not use commas when entering numbers.</p>
<p>Multiple choice: Select the correct option from the drop down menu or radio buttons.</p>
<p>Checkboxes: Select the correct option(s) (there may be more than one) from the checkbox buttons.</p>
<div class="xblock xblock-public_view xblock-public_view-vertical" data-runtime-class="LmsRuntime" data-graded="False" data-has-score="False" data-request-token="03f210a2733411ef9b4a0affc3e823a3" data-course-id="course-v1:MITx+15.480x+3T2021" data-block-type="vertical" data-runtime-version="1" data-init="VerticalStudentView" data-usage-id="block-v1:MITx+15.480x+3T2021+type@vertical+block@43c271b0eda34b6089d3dff6dd4bdad1">
<h2 class="hd hd-2 unit-title">Collaboration Guidelines</h2>
<div class="vert-mod">
<div class="vert vert-0" data-id="block-v1:MITx+15.480x+3T2021+type@html+block@e685d6388c8b4d7ea39aab8157cb313b">
<div class="xblock xblock-public_view xblock-public_view-html xmodule_display xmodule_HtmlBlock" data-runtime-class="LmsRuntime" data-graded="False" data-has-score="False" data-request-token="03f210a2733411ef9b4a0affc3e823a3" data-course-id="course-v1:MITx+15.480x+3T2021" data-block-type="html" data-runtime-version="1" data-init="XBlockToXModuleShim" data-usage-id="block-v1:MITx+15.480x+3T2021+type@html+block@e685d6388c8b4d7ea39aab8157cb313b">
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<h3><strong>Collaboration guidelines</strong></h3>
<p style="font-size: 16px;">We encourage you to interact with your fellow students and engage in active discussion about the course. We suggest that you use the guidelines below for acceptable collaboration.</p>
<p style="font-size: 16px;">The staff will be proactive in removing posts and replies in the discussion forum that have stepped over the line.</p>
<ul class="itemize">
<p>Given a problem, it is <strong>OK</strong> to discuss the general approach to solving the problem.</p>
<p>You <strong>can</strong> work jointly to come up with the general steps for the solution.</p>
<p>It is <strong>OK</strong> to get a hint, or several hints for that matter, if you get stuck while solving a problem.</p>
<p>You <strong>should</strong> work out the details of the solution yourself.</p>
<p>It is <strong>not OK</strong> to take someone else's solution and simply copy the answers from their solution into your checkboxes.</p>
<p>It is <strong>not OK</strong> to take someone else's formula and plug in your own numbers to get the final answer.</p>
<p>It is<strong> not OK</strong> to post answers to homework problems.</p>
<p>It is <strong>not OK</strong> to look at a full step-by-step solution to a problem when you can still submit answers.</p>
<p>It is <strong>OK</strong> to have someone show you a few steps of a solution where you have been stuck for a while provided you have attempted to solve it yourself without success.</p>
<p>After you have collaborated with others in generating a correct solution, a <strong>good test</strong> to see if you were engaged in acceptable collaboration is to make sure that you are able to do the problem on your own.</p>
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