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<h2 class="hd hd-2 unit-title">Written Assessment 2</h2>
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<h3>Two Notes About Timing</h3>
<p>1. Written Assessment 2 is <strong>released at the beginning of Part 2</strong>. Some questions in the assessment relate to lectures which aren't released until later in Part 2. So no need to worry if you're confused by the questions initially: we'll cover all the relevant material in due course. We release the assessment at the beginning of Part 2 for several reasons: (a) to let you see what the assessment will involve; (b) to let you view the lectures with the questions in mind; (c) to minimize overlap between different parts of the course, so that you can focus on one part at a time.</p>
<p>2. <strong>No extensions will be granted for the written assessments. </strong>In a course with so many learners, granting individual extensions just isn't feasible. Please plan accordingly.</p>
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<h3>Instructions for Audit Learners</h3>
<p>Write an essay to answer one of the questions below. You will be given several questions to choose from. Please choose only <strong>one.</strong> Your essay should be <strong>800–1200 words.</strong></p>
<p>It's not easy to write a good philosophy essay. If you're new to it, we recommend Jim Pryor's <a href="http://www.jimpryor.net/teaching/guidelines/writing.html">Guidelines on Writing a Philosophy Paper</a>.<strong></strong></p>
<p>You are enrolled as an Audit Learner. This means that your essay will only be seen and assessed by you.</p>
<p>After you write your essay, you should assess it yourself using the rubric we've provided.</p>
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<p>Remember: choose only <strong>one</strong> of the following questions.</p>
<p><strong>Question 1: Objective Value and God</strong></p>
<p>Does the argument from Plato's <i>Euthyphro</i> show that being objectively valuable is not the same as being loved by God? Set out the argument and focus on the best objection to it. Are you convinced by this objection? Why or why not?</p>
<p><strong>Question 2: Philosophical Relativism</strong></p>
<p>Can Philosophical Relativism be successfully defended? Explain why this theory is found plausible by some and address the objection to it you find most compelling. Is this objection decisive? If not, how can the Relativist reply to it?</p>
<p><strong>Question 3: Moral Knowledge v. Scientific Knowledge</strong></p>
<p>Is the idea of objective moral knowledge more problematic than the idea of objective knowledge in science? Locate a possible contrast between morality and science and assess its significance for knowledge in these domains.</p>
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