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<p><b>Correction:</b> On the slide that appears at 6:07...</p>
<li>The second DNA sequence (the sequence with the underlined point mutation) should read 3' at the end.</li>
<li>The second template (containing the point mutation) should read <b>5' TACAGCGAGGACCA<span style="text-decoration: underline;">A</span>ATT 3'</b>.</li>
<li>The second mRNA sequence (containing the point mutation) should read 3' at the end.</li>
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<h2 class="hd hd-2 unit-title">Reference Summary</h2>
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<h3><b> Types of Mutations </b></h3>
<p>A <b>point mutation</b> is a change in a single nucleotide base.</p><p> Point mutations may result in... <br /> <b>-</b> a <b>missense mutation</b>, in which the changed nucleotide base results in a single amino acid change in the protein product. <br /> <b>-</b> a<b> silent mutation</b>, in which the changed nucleotide base does not result in any changes to the amino acids in the protein product. <br /><b>-</b> a <b>nonsense mutation</b>, in which the codon that includes changed nucleotdie base changes from coding for an amino acid to a stop codon that terminates translation.</p> <br />
<p>An <b> insertion </b> is the addition of an extra nucleotide(s) within the sequence. Similarly, a <b> deletion </b> is the elimination of a nucleotide(s) from the sequence.</p><p> Insertions and deltions frequently result in <b>frameshift mutations</b>, by which the extra or missing nucleotide bases change the reading frame (the grouping of three adjacent nucleotides into codons), thus resulting in a change in the amino acids that are encoded by that nucleotide sequence.</p>
<br /><br />
<h3><b> Also, remember that... </b></h3>
<p> A <b>codon</b> is a set of 3 consecutive nucleotides that together code for an amino acid. </p>
<p> And, a <b>codon chart</b> is used to determine which amino acid corresponds to which codon.</p>
<img src='/assets/courseware/v1/522a130818e51e7d580bc9834ad314b6/asset-v1:OCW+Pre-7.01+1T2020+type@asset+block/p0.png' alt="Here is a codon chart that is used to identify the amino acids that correspond to each R N A codon. The chart has 4 rows and 4 columns, both of which correspond to the 4 possible nucleotides of R N A (which are U, C, A, G). The rows correspond to the first letter of the codon (at the 5 prime end of the sequence) and is selected first. Then, a column is chosen; the columns correspond to the second letter of the codon. Then, the 4 possible codons (corresponding to the 4 possible options for the third letter (at the 3 prime end of the sequence)) are listed in the selected box with the corrresponding amino acid written next to the codon. Each amino acid is notated with its three-letter abreviation. The codons of all the boxes will now be enlisted in the order (from left to right) written on the chart: U U U = Phenylalanine or P h e, U U C = Phenylalanine or P h e, U U A = Leucine or L e u, U U G = Leucine or L e u, U C U = Serine or S e r, U C C = Serine or S e r, U C A = Serine or S e r, U C G = Serine or S e r, U A U = Tyrosine or T y r, U A C = Tyrosine or T y r, U A A = STOP, U A G = STOP, U G U = Cysteine or C y s, U G C = Cysteine or C y s, U G A = STOP, U G G = Tryptophan or T r p, C U U = Leucine or L e u, C U C = Leucine or L e u, C U A = Leucine or L e u, C U G = Leucine or L e u, C U A = Leucine or L e u, C U G = Leucine or L e u, C C U = Proline or P r o, C C C = Proline or P r o, C C A = Pro, C C G = Proline or P r o, C A U = Histidine or H i s, C A C = Histidine or H i s, C A A = Glutamine or G l n, C A G = Glutamine or G l n, C G U = Arginine or A r g, C G C = Arginine or A r g, C G A = Arginine or A r g, C G G = Arginine or A r g, A U U = Isoleucine or I l e, A U C = Isoleucine or I l e, A U A = Isoleucine or I l e, A U G = Methionine or M e t, A C U = Threonine or T h r, A C C = Threonine or T h r, A C A = Threonine or T h r, A C G = Threonine or T h r, A A U = Asparagine or A s n, A A C = Asparagine or A s n, A A A = Lysine or L y s, A A G = Lysine or L y s, A G U = Serine or S e r, A G C = Serine or S e r, A G A = Arginine or A r g, A G G = Arginine or A r g, G U U = Valine or V a l, G U C = Valine or V a l, G U A = Valine or V a l, G U G = Valine or V a l, G C U = Alanine or A l a, G C C = Alanine or A l a, G C A = Alanine or A l a, G C G = Alanine or A l a, G A U = Aspartic acid or A s p, G A C = Aspartic acid or A s p, G A A = Glutamic acid or G l u, G A G = Glutamic acid or G l u, G G U = Glycine or G l y, G G C = Glycine or G l y, G G A = Glycine or G l y, G G G = Glycine or G l y.">
<!-- old code: <img src='/assets/courseware/v1/522a130818e51e7d580bc9834ad314b6/asset-v1:OCW+Pre-7.01+1T2020+type@asset+block/p0.png' summary="Here is a codon chart that is used to identify the amino acids that correspond to each RNA codon. The The chart has 4 rows and 4 columns, both of which correspond to the 4 possible nucleotides of RNA (U, C, A, G). The rows correspond to the first letter of the codon (at the 5' end of the sequence) and is selected first. Then, a column is chosen; the columns correspond to the second letter of the codon. Then, the 4 possible codons (corresponding to the 4 possible options for the third letter (at the 3' end of the sequence)) are listed in the selected box with the corrresponding amino acid written next to the codon. The codons of all the boxes will now be enlisted in the order (from left to right) written on the chart: UUU = Phe, UUC = Phe, UUA = Leu, UUG = Leu, UCU = Ser, UCC = Ser, UCA = Ser, UCG = Ser, UAU = Tyr, UAC = Tyr, UAA = STOP, UAG = STOP, UGU = Cys, UGC = Cys, UGA = STOP, UGG = Trp, CUU = Leu, CUC = Leu, CUA = Leu, CUG = Leu, CUA = Leu, CUG = Leu, CCU = Pro, CCC = Pro, CCA = Pro, CCG = Pro, CAU = His, CAC = His, CAA = Gln, CAG = Gln, CGU = Arg, CGC = Arg, CGA = Arg, CGG = Arg, AUU = Ile, AUC = Ile, AUA = Ile, AUG = Met, ACU = Thr, ACC = Thr, ACA = Thr, ACG = Thr, AAU = Asn, AAC = Asn, AAA = Lys, AAG = Lys, AGU = Ser, AGC = Ser, AGA = Arg, AGG = Arg, GUU = Val, GUC = Val, GUA = Val, GUG = Val, GCU = Ala, GCC = Ala, GCA = Ala, GCG = Ala, GAU = Asp, GAC = Asp, GAA = Glu, GAG = Glu, GGU = Gly, GGC = Gly, GGA = Gly, GGG = Gly."> -->
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<h2 class="hd hd-2 unit-title">Exercise 1 (Wild type)</h2>
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<p> The following questions concern this gene, where <b>the bottom strand is the template strand</b>.</p>
<!--<img src='/assets/courseware/v1/5d84db313e2b4cf5765418a36f9179cc/asset-v1:OCW+Pre-7.01+1T2020+type@asset+block/q1.png' alt="This image shows the sequences of two complementary strands of D N A. The top strand is written as 5 prime A T G A A T G T G T G C 3 prime. The bottom strand is written as 3 prime T A C T T A C A C A C G 5 prime.">-->
<p><font size="+3"> 5' ATGAATGTGTGC 3' <br/> 3' TACTTACACACG 5'</font></p>
<p>There is a <strong>codon chart</strong> at the bottom of this page in case you would like it as a reference. </p>
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Question 1: DNA to RNA
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<p>Write the corresponding RNA from the DNA sequence above. <b>Separate each codon by a hyphen "-" and write your answer 5' to 3'.</b></p>
<em>(RNA sequence is similar to the non-template strand; 5' to 3'; codon = base triplets) </em>
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Question 2: RNA to Protein
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<div class="wrapper-problem-response" tabindex="-1" aria-label="Question 1" role="group"><p>Create the peptide sequence that corresponds to the RNA in the answer above. To make the peptide sequence, type the correct amino acid three (3) letter code into the text box. <em>(Using the codon chart, find amino acids that match the codons, starting at the 5' end.)</em></p>
<p>Also, indicate polarity of the peptide by typing "N" and "C" at the proper termini.</p>
<p>Place a single hyphen (the "-" character) between each termini and amino acid <b>without adding spaces</b>. Begin with the N terminus. (<b>Example:</b> N-XXX-YYY-ZZZ-C)</p>
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<p> Here is a codon chart. </p>
<img src='/assets/courseware/v1/522a130818e51e7d580bc9834ad314b6/asset-v1:OCW+Pre-7.01+1T2020+type@asset+block/p0.png' alt="Here is a codon chart that is used to identify the amino acids that correspond to each R N A codon. The chart has 4 rows and 4 columns, both of which correspond to the 4 possible nucleotides of R N A (which are U, C, A, G). The rows correspond to the first letter of the codon (at the 5 prime end of the sequence) and is selected first. Then, a column is chosen; the columns correspond to the second letter of the codon. Then, the 4 possible codons (corresponding to the 4 possible options for the third letter (at the 3 prime end of the sequence)) are listed in the selected box with the corrresponding amino acid written next to the codon. Each amino acid is notated with its three-letter abreviation. The codons of all the boxes will now be enlisted in the order (from left to right) written on the chart: U U U = Phenylalanine or P h e, U U C = Phenylalanine or P h e, U U A = Leucine or L e u, U U G = Leucine or L e u, U C U = Serine or S e r, U C C = Serine or S e r, U C A = Serine or S e r, U C G = Serine or S e r, U A U = Tyrosine or T y r, U A C = Tyrosine or T y r, U A A = STOP, U A G = STOP, U G U = Cysteine or C y s, U G C = Cysteine or C y s, U G A = STOP, U G G = Tryptophan or T r p, C U U = Leucine or L e u, C U C = Leucine or L e u, C U A = Leucine or L e u, C U G = Leucine or L e u, C U A = Leucine or L e u, C U G = Leucine or L e u, C C U = Proline or P r o, C C C = Proline or P r o, C C A = Pro, C C G = Proline or P r o, C A U = Histidine or H i s, C A C = Histidine or H i s, C A A = Glutamine or G l n, C A G = Glutamine or G l n, C G U = Arginine or A r g, C G C = Arginine or A r g, C G A = Arginine or A r g, C G G = Arginine or A r g, A U U = Isoleucine or I l e, A U C = Isoleucine or I l e, A U A = Isoleucine or I l e, A U G = Methionine or M e t, A C U = Threonine or T h r, A C C = Threonine or T h r, A C A = Threonine or T h r, A C G = Threonine or T h r, A A U = Asparagine or A s n, A A C = Asparagine or A s n, A A A = Lysine or L y s, A A G = Lysine or L y s, A G U = Serine or S e r, A G C = Serine or S e r, A G A = Arginine or A r g, A G G = Arginine or A r g, G U U = Valine or V a l, G U C = Valine or V a l, G U A = Valine or V a l, G U G = Valine or V a l, G C U = Alanine or A l a, G C C = Alanine or A l a, G C A = Alanine or A l a, G C G = Alanine or A l a, G A U = Aspartic acid or A s p, G A C = Aspartic acid or A s p, G A A = Glutamic acid or G l u, G A G = Glutamic acid or G l u, G G U = Glycine or G l y, G G C = Glycine or G l y, G G A = Glycine or G l y, G G G = Glycine or G l y.">
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<h2 class="hd hd-2 unit-title">Exercise 2 (Mutation 1)</h2>
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<p> The following questions concern the same gene from Exercise 1, where <strong>the bottom strand is the template strand</strong>. The original gene sequence has beeen copied here.</p>
<p><u>Original Sequence:</u><br/><font size="+3"> 5' ATGAATGTGTGC 3' <br/> 3' TACTTACACACG 5'</font></p>
<p>However, now the sequence has a <strong>mutation</strong> in its last base pair, as shown in this updated sequence. Here, the mutation is emphasized with a bolded and underlined font.</p>
<!--<img src='/assets/courseware/v1/43e82a86d9ff85b1f332e5ee2d735fd9/asset-v1:OCW+Pre-7.01+1T2020+type@asset+block/q2_NEW.png'>-->
<p><u>Mutated Sequence:</u><br/><font size="+3"> 5' ATGAATGTGTG<u><strong>A</strong></u> 3' <br/> 3' TACTTACACAC<u><strong>T</strong></u> 5'</font></p>
<p>There is a <strong>codon chart</strong> at the bottom of this page in case you would like it as a reference. </p>
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Question 1: DNA to RNA
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<p>Write the corresponding RNA from the mutated DNA sequence above. <b>Separate each codon by a hyphen "-" and write your answer 5' to 3'.</b></p>
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Question 2: RNA to Protein
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<div class="wrapper-problem-response" tabindex="-1" aria-label="Question 1" role="group"><p>Create the peptide sequence that corresponds to the RNA in the answer above. To make the peptide sequence, type the correct amino acid three (3) letter code into the text box. <em>(Using the codon chart, find amino acids that match the codons, starting at the 5' end.)</em></p>
<p>Also, indicate polarity of the peptide by typing "N" and "C" at the proper termini.</p>
<p>Place a single hyphen (the "-" character) between each termini and amino acid <b>without adding spaces</b>. Begin with the N terminus. (<b>Example:</b> N-XXX-YYY-ZZZ-C)</p>
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Question 3: Mutation Type
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<p>This mutation is an example of a...</p>
<p>(Check all that apply.)</p>
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<fieldset aria-describedby="status_397f1377c94d4e77bd0c4218636cd477_2_1">
<div class="field">
<input type="checkbox" name="input_397f1377c94d4e77bd0c4218636cd477_2_1[]" id="input_397f1377c94d4e77bd0c4218636cd477_2_1_choice_0" class="field-input input-checkbox" value="choice_0"/><label id="397f1377c94d4e77bd0c4218636cd477_2_1-choice_0-label" for="input_397f1377c94d4e77bd0c4218636cd477_2_1_choice_0" class="response-label field-label label-inline" aria-describedby="status_397f1377c94d4e77bd0c4218636cd477_2_1"> point mutation.
<div class="field">
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<p> Here is a codon chart. </p>
<img src='/assets/courseware/v1/522a130818e51e7d580bc9834ad314b6/asset-v1:OCW+Pre-7.01+1T2020+type@asset+block/p0.png' alt="Here is a codon chart that is used to identify the amino acids that correspond to each R N A codon. The chart has 4 rows and 4 columns, both of which correspond to the 4 possible nucleotides of R N A (which are U, C, A, G). The rows correspond to the first letter of the codon (at the 5 prime end of the sequence) and is selected first. Then, a column is chosen; the columns correspond to the second letter of the codon. Then, the 4 possible codons (corresponding to the 4 possible options for the third letter (at the 3 prime end of the sequence)) are listed in the selected box with the corrresponding amino acid written next to the codon. Each amino acid is notated with its three-letter abreviation. The codons of all the boxes will now be enlisted in the order (from left to right) written on the chart: U U U = Phenylalanine or P h e, U U C = Phenylalanine or P h e, U U A = Leucine or L e u, U U G = Leucine or L e u, U C U = Serine or S e r, U C C = Serine or S e r, U C A = Serine or S e r, U C G = Serine or S e r, U A U = Tyrosine or T y r, U A C = Tyrosine or T y r, U A A = STOP, U A G = STOP, U G U = Cysteine or C y s, U G C = Cysteine or C y s, U G A = STOP, U G G = Tryptophan or T r p, C U U = Leucine or L e u, C U C = Leucine or L e u, C U A = Leucine or L e u, C U G = Leucine or L e u, C U A = Leucine or L e u, C U G = Leucine or L e u, C C U = Proline or P r o, C C C = Proline or P r o, C C A = Pro, C C G = Proline or P r o, C A U = Histidine or H i s, C A C = Histidine or H i s, C A A = Glutamine or G l n, C A G = Glutamine or G l n, C G U = Arginine or A r g, C G C = Arginine or A r g, C G A = Arginine or A r g, C G G = Arginine or A r g, A U U = Isoleucine or I l e, A U C = Isoleucine or I l e, A U A = Isoleucine or I l e, A U G = Methionine or M e t, A C U = Threonine or T h r, A C C = Threonine or T h r, A C A = Threonine or T h r, A C G = Threonine or T h r, A A U = Asparagine or A s n, A A C = Asparagine or A s n, A A A = Lysine or L y s, A A G = Lysine or L y s, A G U = Serine or S e r, A G C = Serine or S e r, A G A = Arginine or A r g, A G G = Arginine or A r g, G U U = Valine or V a l, G U C = Valine or V a l, G U A = Valine or V a l, G U G = Valine or V a l, G C U = Alanine or A l a, G C C = Alanine or A l a, G C A = Alanine or A l a, G C G = Alanine or A l a, G A U = Aspartic acid or A s p, G A C = Aspartic acid or A s p, G A A = Glutamic acid or G l u, G A G = Glutamic acid or G l u, G G U = Glycine or G l y, G G C = Glycine or G l y, G G A = Glycine or G l y, G G G = Glycine or G l y.">
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<h2 class="hd hd-2 unit-title">Exercise 3 (Mutation 2)</h2>
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<!--0<p> The following questions concern the same gene from Exercise 1, where <b>the bottom strand is the template strand</b>, however the sequence has a <b>different mutation</b> (shown in red).</p><img src='/assets/courseware/v1/fe74be5663fa13ff58075002b0c2a960/asset-v1:OCW+Pre-7.01+1T2020+type@asset+block/q3.png'><p>There is a <b>codon chart</b> at the bottom of this page in case you would like it as a reference. </p>-->
<p> The following questions concern the same gene from Exercise 1, where <strong>the bottom strand is the template strand</strong>. The original gene sequence has beeen copied here.</p>
<p><u>Original Sequence:</u><br/><font size="+3"> 5' ATGAATGTGTGC 3' <br/> 3' TACTTACACACG 5'</font></p>
<p>However, now the sequence has a <strong>different mutation</strong>. As shown in this new sequence, the original gene was mutated near the middle of the sequence this time. Here, the mutation is emphasized with a bolded and underlined font.</p>
<!--<img src='/assets/courseware/v1/fe74be5663fa13ff58075002b0c2a960/asset-v1:OCW+Pre-7.01+1T2020+type@asset+block/q3.png'>-->
<p><u>Mutated Sequence:</u><br/><font size="+3"> 5' ATGAAT<u><strong>A</strong></u>GTGTGC 3' <br/> 3' TACTTA<u><strong>T</strong></u>CACACG 5'</font></p>
<p>There is a <strong>codon chart</strong> at the bottom of this page in case you would like it as a reference. </p>
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Question 1: DNA to RNA
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<p>Write the corresponding RNA from the new DNA sequence above. <b>Separate each codon by a hyphen "-" and write your answer 5' to 3'.</b></p>
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Question 2: RNA to Protein
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<div class="wrapper-problem-response" tabindex="-1" aria-label="Question 1" role="group"><p>Create the peptide sequence that corresponds to the RNA in the answer above. To make the peptide sequence, type the correct amino acid three (3) letter code into the text box. <em>(Using the codon chart, find amino acids that match the codons, starting at the 5' end.)</em></p>
<p>Also, indicate polarity of the peptide by typing "N" and "C" at the proper termini.</p>
<p>Place a single hyphen (the "-" character) between each termini and amino acid <b>without adding spaces</b>. Begin with the N terminus. (<b>Example:</b> N-XXX-YYY-ZZZ-C)</p>
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Question 3: Mutation Type
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<p>This mutation is an example of a...</p>
<p>(Check all that apply.)</p>
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<p> Here is a codon chart. </p>
<img src='/assets/courseware/v1/522a130818e51e7d580bc9834ad314b6/asset-v1:OCW+Pre-7.01+1T2020+type@asset+block/p0.png' alt="Here is a codon chart that is used to identify the amino acids that correspond to each R N A codon. The chart has 4 rows and 4 columns, both of which correspond to the 4 possible nucleotides of R N A (which are U, C, A, G). The rows correspond to the first letter of the codon (at the 5 prime end of the sequence) and is selected first. Then, a column is chosen; the columns correspond to the second letter of the codon. Then, the 4 possible codons (corresponding to the 4 possible options for the third letter (at the 3 prime end of the sequence)) are listed in the selected box with the corrresponding amino acid written next to the codon. Each amino acid is notated with its three-letter abreviation. The codons of all the boxes will now be enlisted in the order (from left to right) written on the chart: U U U = Phenylalanine or P h e, U U C = Phenylalanine or P h e, U U A = Leucine or L e u, U U G = Leucine or L e u, U C U = Serine or S e r, U C C = Serine or S e r, U C A = Serine or S e r, U C G = Serine or S e r, U A U = Tyrosine or T y r, U A C = Tyrosine or T y r, U A A = STOP, U A G = STOP, U G U = Cysteine or C y s, U G C = Cysteine or C y s, U G A = STOP, U G G = Tryptophan or T r p, C U U = Leucine or L e u, C U C = Leucine or L e u, C U A = Leucine or L e u, C U G = Leucine or L e u, C U A = Leucine or L e u, C U G = Leucine or L e u, C C U = Proline or P r o, C C C = Proline or P r o, C C A = Pro, C C G = Proline or P r o, C A U = Histidine or H i s, C A C = Histidine or H i s, C A A = Glutamine or G l n, C A G = Glutamine or G l n, C G U = Arginine or A r g, C G C = Arginine or A r g, C G A = Arginine or A r g, C G G = Arginine or A r g, A U U = Isoleucine or I l e, A U C = Isoleucine or I l e, A U A = Isoleucine or I l e, A U G = Methionine or M e t, A C U = Threonine or T h r, A C C = Threonine or T h r, A C A = Threonine or T h r, A C G = Threonine or T h r, A A U = Asparagine or A s n, A A C = Asparagine or A s n, A A A = Lysine or L y s, A A G = Lysine or L y s, A G U = Serine or S e r, A G C = Serine or S e r, A G A = Arginine or A r g, A G G = Arginine or A r g, G U U = Valine or V a l, G U C = Valine or V a l, G U A = Valine or V a l, G U G = Valine or V a l, G C U = Alanine or A l a, G C C = Alanine or A l a, G C A = Alanine or A l a, G C G = Alanine or A l a, G A U = Aspartic acid or A s p, G A C = Aspartic acid or A s p, G A A = Glutamic acid or G l u, G A G = Glutamic acid or G l u, G G U = Glycine or G l y, G G C = Glycine or G l y, G G A = Glycine or G l y, G G G = Glycine or G l y.">