Lecture 1: Origins of the Space Shuttle – Dale Myers
Lecture 2: Development of the Space Shuttle – Aaron Cohen
Lecture 3: Early History of the Shuttle and NASA's Relationship with the Military – Bob Seamans
Lecture 4: Political History of the Space Shuttle – John Logsdon
Section 1 Wrap-Up Questions (7 Questions)
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Lecture 5: Introduction to Space Shuttle Orbiter Subsystems – Aaron Cohen
Lecture 6: Orbiter Structures & Thermal Protection System – Tom Moser (4 Questions)
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Lecture 7: Space Shuttle Main Engines – J.R. Thompson (2 Questions)
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Lecture 8: Space Shuttle Aerodynamic Design – Bass Redd (4 Questions)
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Lecture 9: Aerothermodynamics – Bob Ried (4 Questions)
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Lecture 10: Space Shuttle OMS/RCS APU/Hydraulics – Henry Pohl (5 Questions)
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Lecture 11: Thermal Control and Life Support System – Walt Guy (4 Questions)
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Lecture 12: Mechanical Systems and RMS – Alan Louviere (5 Questions)
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Lecture 13: Shuttle Flight Control System – Phil Hattis (5 Questions)
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Lecture 14: Systems Engineering Review, Matrix Management, and Cost Estimation – Aaron Cohen
Lecture 15: Space Shuttle Training and Mission Description – Jeff Hoffman (4 Questions)
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Lecture 16: Payload Operations and Systems Engineering – Tony Lavoie (3 Questions)
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Lecture 17: Space Shuttle Launch Operations – Bob Sieck (3 Questions)
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Lecture 18: Space Shuttle Abort Modes, Payload Bay Doors, EVA – Jeff Hoffman (3 Questions)
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Lecture 19: Mission Control – Wayne Hale (4 Questions)
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Lecture 20: Test Flying the Space Shuttle – Gordon Fullerton (3 Questions)
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Lecture 21: Columbia Accident – Sheila Widnall (4 Questions)
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Lecture 22: Hubble Space Telescope and the Space Shuttle – Jeff Hoffman (3 Questions)
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Lecture 23: Apollo and the Space Shuttle – Chris Kraft
Lecture 24: Retrospective on the Space Shuttle – Jeff Hoffman/John Logsdon/Wayne Hale