1.1.1. What is Radiation? What is Ionizing Radiation? (1 Question)
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1.1.2. The Discovery of Ionizing Radiation (4 Questions)
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1.1.3. What is Ionizing Radiation?
1.1.4. What is an Isotope? (2 Questions)
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1.1.5. Types of Ionizing Radiation (1 Question)
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1.1.6. Emission of Ionizing Radiation (3 Questions)
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1.1.7. When is a Photon Also a Gamma Ray?
1.1.8. Nuclear Reactions - Like Chemistry with a Twist (3 Questions)
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1.1.9. Matter IS Energy - Using E=mc^2 (1 Question)
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1.1.10. The Nature of Radiation Energy I - Nuclear Binding Energies (1 Question)
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1.1.11. The Nature of Radiation Energy II - Nuclear Binding Energies (1 Question)
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1.1.12. The Q-Value - How Much Matter Becomes Kinetic Energy (1 Question)
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1.1.13. Example Q-Values: Radioactive Decay (1 Question)
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1.1.14. Taking a Step Back - Relative Energetics of Types of Radiation
1.1.15. Module 1.1. Summary - What Have We Learned So Far?
1.2.1. Our Radiation Detector - The Geiger Counter
1.2.2. Radioactive Decay and Decay Diagrams (4 Questions)
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1.2.3. Trickier Modes of Radioactive Decay (2 Questions)
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1.2.4. Finding and Using Radioactive Decay Diagrams
1.2.5. Reading More Complex Decay Diagrams (1 Question)
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1.2.6. How Much Radiation Is Emitted During Radioactive Decay? (3 Questions)
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1.2.7. Quantifying Radioactivity - A Visual Example
1.2.8. Activity - The Units of Radioactivity (2 Questions)
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1.2.9. Radioactive Half Lives and Decay Constants (2 Questions)
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1.2.10. Specific Activity - How Radioactive Is a Substance? (1 Question)
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1.2.11. Where Do You Find Radiation, and How Much? (1 Question)
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1.2.12. Module 1.2 Recap and Should You Worry about Fukushima?
1.3.1. Module 1.3 Intro - Helpful Uses of Ionizing Radiation
1.3.2. Units of Radiation Dose (4 Questions)
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1.3.3. Math & Science Skills - Reading Logarithm Scales (2 Questions)
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1.3.4. Biological Effects of Radiation - Acute, Short-Term Exposure (2 Questions)
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1.3.5. Biological Effects of Radiation - Acute Exposure Syndromes
1.3.6. Biological Effects of Radiation - Long-Term Exposure and Cancer Risk (2 Questions)
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1.3.7. Using the Damaging Power of Radiation to Heal (2 Questions)
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1.3.8. Ionizing Radiation in Consumer Products - You've Probably Got One!
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1.3.9. Radiation-Powered Deep Space Missions - RTGs (3 Questions)
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1.3.10. Example Calculation - Sizing an RTG for a Deep Space Mission (1 Question)
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1.3.11. Nuclear Power - Preview of Modules 2 & 3
1.3.12. Putting It All Together - How Radioactive Is a Tomato?
1.3.13. Module 1 Recap and Review
2.1.1. Learning Objectives for Section 2
2.1.2. What is Nuclear Power? (1 Question)
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2.1.3. The Nuclear Power Plant (3 Questions)
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2.1.4. The Nuclear Power Plant (2) (2 Questions)
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2.1.5. Status of Nuclear Power in the US and Globally
2.1.6. Climate Change
2.1.7. How Nuclear Energy Can Help to Decarbonize the Economy
2.1.8. Attractive Features of Nuclear Energy (1 Question)
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2.1.9. Attractive Features of Nuclear Energy (2)
2.1. Final Homework
2.2.1. Introduction to the Challenges of Nuclear Power
2.2.2. The Costs of Nuclear (8 Questions)
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2.2.3. The Costs of Nuclear (2) (3 Questions)
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2.2.4. Nuclear Safety (2 Questions)
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2.2.5. A Review of Severe Accidents (2 Questions)
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2.2.6. Nuclear Waste Management
2.2.7. Nuclear Weapons Proliferation
2.2. Final Homework
3.1.1. Introduction to Fusion Energy Research (5 Questions)
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3.1.2. Basics of Nuclear Fusion (7 Questions)
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3.1.3. Fusion for Energy Applications (7 Questions)
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3.1.4. Plasma Physics and Fusion (7 Questions)
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3.1.5. The Promise of Fusion (4 Questions)
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3.2.1. Lawson Criterion and Plasma Confinement (2 Questions)
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3.2.2. Lorenz Force and Magnetic Confinement (3 Questions)
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3.2.3. Problems with Open Configurations (1 Question)
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3.2.4. Toroidal Confinement Configuration (2 Questions)
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3.2.5. Introduction to the Tokamak (4 Questions)
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3.2.6. Fusion Performance Metrics (5 Questions)
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3.2.7. World Tokamak Overview (2 Questions)
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3.3.1. Tokamak Parameters and Performance Metrics (3 Questions)
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3.3.2. The ITER Tokamak Project (3 Questions)
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3.3.3. Safety and Environmental Impact (4 Questions)
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3.3.4. Enabling Research Toward a Fusion Power Plant (3 Questions)
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3.3.5. A Fast Track to Q > 1 (4 Questions)
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3.3.6. Magnet Development for Fusion (2 Questions)
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3.3.7. Innovation to Accelerate Path to Fusion (3 Questions)
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3.3.8. Outlook and Paths for Student Involvement in Fusion
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