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System Functions and the Laplace Transform
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Week 1
Week 1 Calendar
Pre-class reading 0. Review differential equations
In-class activity 1. The Mascot, RLC circuits, and the Transfer function (11 Questions)
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Pre-class reading 2. Pole diagrams (13 Questions)
This content is graded
In-class activity 2.
Week 2
Week 2 Calendar
Pre-class reading 3. Laplace transform (8 Questions)
This content is graded
In-class Activity 3.
Pre-class reading 4. Application to differential equations (8 Questions)
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In-class Activity 4.
Problem set 1 checker
Week 3
Week 3 Calendar
Pre-class Reading 5. Rules (11 Questions)
This content is graded
In-class Activity 5.
Week 4
Week 4 Calendar
Pre-class Reading 6. Block diagrams and impedance (4 Questions)
This content is graded
In-class Activity 6.
Pre-class reading 7. Step functions and step response (6 Questions)
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In-class Activity 7.
Problem set 2 checker
Week 5
Week 5 Calendar
In-class Activity 8. Quiz
Pre-class Reading 9. Delta functions and unit impulse response (12 Questions)
This content is graded
In-class Activity 9.
Week 6
Week 6 Calendar
Pre-class Reading 10. Feedback (1 Question)
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In-class Activity 10.
Pre-class Reading 11. Convolution (11 Questions)
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In-class Activity 11.
Problem set 3 checker
Week 7
Week 7 Calendar
Pre-class Reading 12. Return of the Mascot (3 Questions)
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In-class Activity 12.
Problem set 4 checker
Final Exam
Final Exam