About this course
Welcome to 8.370.1x Quantum Information Science I, Part I
This course is part of a three-course-module series that provides an introduction to the theory and practice of quantum computation. We cover:
The physics of information processing
Quantum logic gates
Quantum algorithms including Shor's factoring algorithm and Grover's search algorithm
Quantum error correction
Quantum communication and key distribution
This course module will help you establish a foundation of knowledge for understanding what quantum computers can do, how they work, and how you can contribute to discovering new things and solving problems in quantum information science and engineering.
The three-course-module series comprises:
8.370.1x: Foundations of quantum and classical computing – quantum mechanics, reversible computation, and quantum measurement
8.370.2x: Simple quantum protocols and algorithms – teleportation and superdense coding, the Deutsch-Jozsa and Simon's algorithm, Grover's quantum search algorithm, and Shor's quantum factoring algorithm
8.370.3x: Foundations of quantum communication – noise and quantum channels, and quantum key distribution
Prior knowledge of quantum mechanics is helpful but not required. It is best if you know some linear algebra.
A second course-module sequence, 8.371x, follows, covering more advanced content, including fault-tolerant quantum computation, advanced quantum communication, and advanced quantum algorithms.
The three sub-units of 8.370.1x Quantum Information Science I, Part I
In this 8.370.1x course module, we cover:
Subunit 1: [mathjaxinline]~[/mathjaxinline] quantum and classical computing fundamentals, including the history and development of quantum computation, and classical computation and reversibility
Subunit 2: [mathjaxinline]~[/mathjaxinline] qubits and tensor products in quantum mechanics, spanning from states used to represent quantum information, to the formalism of tensor products, for describing how multiple states are put together, and unitary transforms, which describe state evolution
Subunit 3: [mathjaxinline]~[/mathjaxinline] quantum measurement and quantum weirdness, presenting the formalism for measuring quantum states, and the strange behaviors obtained from such measurements, due to quantum entanglement
Textbook and Refernces
You may find it helpful to refer to: Quantum Computation and Quantum Information, by Nielsen and Chuang. There are also excellent, freely available lecture notes by John Preskill, and superb video lectures by Daniel Gottesman.
Also possibly available are: MIT 8.05x courses on quantum mechanics, and Berkeley's CS191 course. The Caltech-TU Delft course on quantum cryptography may also be insightful.
This is an intermediate, graduate-level course, and you are expected to largely learn the material on your own. The discussion forums may be a good avenue for help from peers; there will be occasional (but not full-time) help from course staff, on the forums.